Objectives of the project



Core of the Be inclusive! project is the creation of learning products that can be used by job placement trainers to motivate potential employers, and provide initial knowledge to them. The material will be designed for digital and easy usage and also in a way, that allows reflecting stereotypes.

Outputs (main products) of the project are as follows (see also: results):


Brochure “People with disabilities in the labour market: placement, inclusion and sustainable employment in SMEs” with the goal to foster SMEs’ motivation to employ  people with disabilities, to deliver essential information, to support sustainable integration into the labor market. (WP 2)


Modular-designed learning Videos (Microlearning) for SMEs to support the integration process of people with disabilities. They deliver concrete suggestions and practical tips. (WP 3)

The core of this workpackage is the production of 8 videos in the sense of microlearning that present various aspects of the inclusion of people with disabilities in a company in an exemplary way. The videos are primarily designed for  job placement educators that support the integration of people with disabilities in the labour market (SMEs). The videos can be used by job placement trainers to motivate potential employers and provide initial knowledge in and easy and digital way. They are suitable for reflecting stereotypes. The information and learning videos are produced together with people with disabilities and SMEs.


Complementary Material to the Learning Videos offering further learning possibilities for in-depth self-study and for use in practice. They are designed also for implementation in trainings in the field of Inclusion and labor market. (WP 4)



Vocational job perspectives on the labour market are often less successful for people with various impairments and special needs.

Vocational rehabilitation courses or rehabilitation-specific trainings come along with their own job placement officers who try to find a job perspective for the participants. However these special placement measures for unemployed disabled people often focus on placement rates and make sustainable integration into to the labour market even more difficult. Additionally - while implementing qualified careers advice, special job placement services or vocational training measures the training staff often  encounters rejection and ignorance from companies, especially in  especially in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).


SMEs often communicate that there is a lack of of competence and capacity to engage with people who may not integrate completely smoothly into one's own business. Often, attempts at placement fail because of prejudices and stereotypes already during the application process. If a trial employment (internship) or a temporary and subsidised employment takes place, deficiencies often become apparent in the areas of accessibility, collegiality, work organization as well as in the sector of labour law, in the design of tasks and in skills development, which make it difficult to retain people with their diverse special needs in the medium and long term.


On the other hand, it can be observed that many SMEs suffer from a shortage of skilled workers and are looking for personnel. There are many employment opportunities in handicraft businesses, providers in the catering trade or in sales.


Strategic Partnership Adult Education

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.




Contact / Coordinator


Akademie Klausenhof

Pia Ziyout

Klausenhofstr. 100

46499 Hamminkeln, Germany
